“This year’s tomato yield was unparalleled” -Christopher Mullen
This weekly garden contest winner photo was submitted by Christopher Mullen from California!
“Our backyard garden has really thrived since the addition of AgroThrive at regular intervals throughout the season. This year’s tomato yield was unparalleled, and the hop cones more numerous and larger in size. Vine health also appears significantly better at this point in the growing season than in previous years without AgroThrive” - Christopher Mullen
Christopher continues to prove that anything is possible with AgroThrive. We will be sending him a FREE gallon of AgroThrive this week!
Thank you all so much for sharing your garden photos with us. Keep sending us your garden photos and you might be next week’s winner! You can enter as many times as you want for more chances to win a free gallon of AgroThrive. Happy Growing everyone!
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