"I was totally not prepared for this! I ordered more this week." - Sue

Today's weekly garden contest winner photo was submitted by Sue from Texas!  

"I am a cut flower grower in North Texas. I had heard that lisianthus, when cut in May/June may produce a second flush in the fall, late August or maybe September. I've just started using AgroThrive in my greenhouses. These lisianthus were cut to the ground for a first cut Mid May through mid June. They are completely flushed back again, 6-8 weeks later 18+ inches tall. I was totally not prepared for this! I ordered more this week." - Sue

Thank you for sharing this wonderful feedback, Sue, and congrats on winning a free 1-gallon bottle of AgroThrive!⁠

If you would like to participate in next week's Garden Contest click the link below.

Enter next week's contest HERE.

Need some AgroThrive to Enter? Click Here!

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