"I saw results in two weeks in plants that have not grown for months" - Randa

Today's weekly garden contest winner photo was submitted by Randa from Florida!
"I first read about AgroThrive on Facebook on a fellow gardener's page. I decided to order the samples. I saw results in two weeks in plants that have not grown for months. My mulberry and Barbados Cherry tree have grown more in a month with AgroThrive than they have in the few months that I’ve had them. So, I ordered more and this time I applied it to my banana plants. I have had bananas for years. Only one plant would flower at a time over the past few years. Then, a few weeks after feeding them AgroThrive, I suddenly have an abundance of banana plants flowering. It’s beautiful. The leaves are green and I now have tons of fruit coming. My whole garden is healthy and producing. I am so happy with this product." - Randa
Thank you for sharing this wonderful feedback, Randa, and congrats on winning a free 1-gallon bottle of AgroThrive!
If you would like to participate in next week's Garden Contest click the link below.
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