AgroThrive Weekly Garden Contest Winner

AgroThrive Weekly Garden Contest Winner


This week’s winning photo was submitted by Paridhi Sharma from Texas!  

This season has been tough on Paridhi's cow peas, cucumbers, okra, and ivy gourd. Luckily, with just a bit of AgroThrive, she was able to turn droopy yellow plants into thriving green giants! This is what she said about her experience:  

“I am really impressed by the AgroThrive because my plants were starving and were very stunned. I planted them late in April and before I used AgroThrive they were very pale and yellow with stunned growth. It’s been 3 weeks I have given two doses of AgroThrive liquid fertilizer. I am really amazed at the growth of my plants. And they all turned green now. I plucked 4 cowpeas and few okras as well. Thanks for this promising fertilizer. I am now going to spread the word with my friends and neighbors about how quick this fertilizer acts” - Paridhi

We are so glad AgroThrive was able to revive Paridhi’s garden. We’ll be sending her a FREE gallon of AgroThrive this week!

Thank you all so much for sharing your garden photos with us. Keep sending your garden pictures in and you might be next week’s winner! You can enter as many times as you want for more chances to win a free gallon of AgroThrive. Happy Growing everyone!  

Enter next week's contest HERE.

1 comment

  • Sharada Briggs

    Love the customer support. Very prompt in responding. I will defiantly post progress of my garden after I use the Argo thrive. I should receive my product tomorrow.

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