AgroThrive Weekly Garden Contest Winner

This week's winning photo was submitted by Maren from California!
Maren has beautiful raised garden beds with a variety of different healthy vegetables. Here is what she said about her plants after using AgroThrive:
“This is one of my beds. I fed AgroThrive using a watering can directly to the soil. My kale is so robust! The carrots and beets are thriving as well. The kale is so big, you can't really see the new tomato plant and pepper plant.”
- Maren
She shows that AgroThrive helps her vegetables grow above their potential. We are so excited to send her a free gallon of Agrothrive!
Thank you for sharing your garden photos with us. Keep sending your garden pictures in and you might be next week’s winner! You can also enter as many times as you like for more chances to win a free gallon of AgroThrive! Happy Growing Everyone!
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