"AgroThrive continues to amaze us!"-Dan

Today's weekly garden contest winner photo was submitted by Dan from Florida!  

"Last year we were heartbroken to see thousands of blooms and hundreds of half-inch avocados fall off our 2 trees during the whole blooming season. We ended up harvesting 1 of 2 avocados and the one we harvested was about 4 inches long. We started feeding our trees AgroThrive and behold this year's bounty! We have counted 42 on the Dwarf and 6 on the Day avocado trees! AgroThrive continues to amaze us! The 3rd picture is from a Barbados cherry, we had it in a pot, transplanted it into the ground, after a month started feeding it AgroThrive. This picture is taken one month after that and it's just amazing to see the different stages of its life on a single branch, from being in a pot, to being in ground, to being fed AgroThrive!." - Dan



Thank you for sharing this wonderful feedback, Dan, and congrats on winning a free 1-gallon bottle of AgroThrive!⁠

If you would like to participate in next week's Garden Contest click the link below.

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