"After using the fertilizer for (just) six weeks I have been shocked not only by the size of our plants, but also by their health." - Brenda

Today's weekly garden contest winner photo was submitted by Brenda from Florida!  

"Last year our garden was plagued with disease (2020 did not discriminate) and nothing really took off. We struggled with blight, wilt, pests, you name it. The very few fruits we did get were borderline tasteless and flat. It was just a terrible year. This year, however, I was determined to boost our soil immunity and pay closer attention to fighting disease from the ground up- literally. Enter AgroThrive. I found this product while searching for an organic fertilizer. After reading the reviews and learning more about the ingredients I decided to give it a try. After using the fertilizer for (just) six weeks I have been shocked not only by the size of our plants, but also by their health. So far🤞we have managed to keep powdery mildew, blight, and rust to a minimum with the hope that this strong foundation takes us into the hot and humid Florida summer with minimal problems." - Brenda

Thank you for sharing this wonderful feedback, Brenda, and congrats on winning a free 1-gallon bottle of AgroThrive!⁠

If you would like to participate in next week's Garden Contest click the link below.

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