“About two weeks ago, a neighbor shared AgroThrive with me." -Renee

“About two weeks ago, a neighbor shared AgroThrive with me.

Today's weekly garden contest winner photo was submitted by Renee from Maine!

“About two weeks ago, a neighbor shared AgroThrive with me. I immediately applied it to most of the plants after diluting it. My plants were not looking good, and actually not up to par for this time of year. I kid you not, the next day when I went into the garden I was blown away. There was a noticeable change in all of the plants. I was so excited that I went online and ordered both types of AgroThrive. I wanted free shipping so I ordered over $70 worth. My order came so quickly and it was very well packaged. I can’t tell you how thrilled I am with your product and that it’s organic! I also have a 1/3 acre garden at our camp. Looking forward to perking up some of the sluggish veggies! Thank you for a great product!

Thank you for sharing this wonderful feedback Theodore, and congrats on winning a free 1-gallon bottle of AgroThrive!⁠

If you would like to participate in next week's Garden Contest click the link below.

Enter next week's contest HERE.

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