AgroThrive Learning Resources
An article by Travis Key from Lazy Dog FarmOur last blog explained the different flowering habits and pollination requirements for three different types of cucumbers. These include monoeciou, gynoecious, and parthenocarpic cucumbers. In that blog we explained which ones need pollination, which ones are...
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An article by Travis Key from Lazy Dog FarmCucumbers are ones of the easiest things to grow in your backyard garden, and it only takes a few plants to make loads of fruits for you and your family. With a few applications of...
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An article by Travis Key from Lazy Dog FarmDo your garden plants need insect pollinators to produce bountiful harvests? That will depend on what types of vegetables you’re growing. Not all backyard garden vegetables require pollination. Bees and other pollinators are great to...
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An article by Travis Key from Lazy Dog FarmOur previous blog provided a list of vegetables that can benefit from AgroThrive Fruit & Flower Fertilizer. These include root vegetables like carrots, beets, and parsnips that need more potassium for maximum root development. This...
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An article by Travis Key from Lazy Dog FarmAgroThrive General Purpose and AgroThrive Fruit & Flower are both great fertilizers to use in the backyard garden to promote healthier plants and bountiful harvests. But we often get asked when you should use one...
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